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Mexico | Sierra Mazateca

Mexico | Sierra Mazateca

Regular price €15,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €15,00 EUR
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Tastes like Stone Fruits, Orange Peel & Milk Chocolate 

The details:

Region: Sierra Mazateca
Coffee varieties: Typica, Mundo Novo, Bourbon
Altitude: 1200 - 2000 meters above sea level 
Process: Washed

Grown by Raymundo Cano

More Info

The Mazateca is located in the state of Oaxaca, one of the most diverse states in México, both biologically
and culturally. The Mazateca gets its name from the presence of the indigenous group, the Mazatec,
which is a Nahualt name that translates to “the deer people”. However, in their own language, Mazateco, the group is called Ha Shuta Enima, which means “those who work the hills”.

The land is found between the regions from La Cañada and the Papaloapán Valley, at the northern tip of the state of Oaxaca. As part of the Sierra Madre Sur and the Sierra Oriental, the land is surrounded by high mountains, cliffs, and hills of mainly mesophile forest, bathed by constant rains, and the intermittent presence of mist.

The Mazateca is an important indigenous region where 92% of the population speaks an indigenous
language, mostly Mazateco, with a few Nahuatl and Mixtec speakers also. The locals show a connection to
their ancestry through their celebrations and traditions, such as celebrations for each town patron, day of the dead, local seed sowing traditions, and many others.

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